This needs to be tailored to Italy

Data Contained in Credit Reports:

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides several lawful grounds for processing personal data. One of those grounds is consent; another is ‘legitimate interests’. As a credit reference agency, Creditsafe uses personal data relating to businesses and the historical conduct of that business to enable interested parties to make risk-based decisions. Therefore, the underlying processing condition on which we process personal data is the legitimate and public interest for doing so in support of risk and financial decisions relating to trading entities. As a result of this and in line with the GDPR, Creditsafe does not require consent for the use of this type of data and the GDPR does not enable individuals to require such data to be removed.

The GDPR allows you to have free and transparent visibility of your personal data and how that data is used. As part of Creditsafe's commitment to open and transparent processing of data, we have made the following processes available to you.

To Submit a GDPR Request:

Please choose ‘type’ as "GDPR Request" when opening a ticket below then select the appropriate request type require in relation to your information.

In order to provide you with a report on your data and to make any changes, we will need a few pieces of information from you first in order to confirm who you are.

The information you will need to provide to us in order to fulfill a subject access request is:

  • Company name/requester name
  • Requester email address
  • Customer reference number (where applicable)
  • Proof of identification and address (to enable us to verify your identity)

Once we have this information, the following options will be available:

Subject Access Requests (SAR):

A SAR will allow you to see all information we hold on you and give you options to make changes to this information.

Rectification Request:

If you believe that the information held within the Creditsafe systems to be inaccurate or incomplete, please provide details of what the inaccurate data is and evidence supporting the correction.

*Please note that Creditsafe has an obligation to respond within a 30 day timeframe of request raised, however, this can be extended by two months where the request for rectification is complex.

**Please note some of the data Creditsafe hold is obtained from public or government sources and it may be necessary to direct your request to that external body in order to effect a correction.

Right of Erasure (right to be forgotten):

Under GDPR you have the right to request your personal data is removed, this, however, does not provide an absolute “right to be deleted”.

If you feel you have suitable grounds to request Right of Erasure then you have the option to request this by providing as much supporting evidence to Creditsafe. Individuals have the right to suppress or block the processing of personal data, this right can be exercised where:

  • You contest the accuracy of the personal data
  • You feel there are legitimate grounds to enable the restriction of processing
  • The information held is no longer necessary to the purposes for which they were collected.

Should you wish to suppress or block any personal data you will be required to fill in as much information below (included any evidence or screenshots of where you believe the data to be held and specifically what you require to be suppressed/removed).

Opting out of Email:

You can choose to opt-out of receiving email from Creditsafe at any time. You have a number of options for opting out of the different services we offer.

For any of the available options, if you wish to opt-out with respect to more than one email address, you must provide a separate request for each email address.

Email Messages Sent from Creditsafe as the Marketer:
Creditsafe also markets some of its own products and services by email. When Creditsafe is the marketer, we will always be identified as such in the mailing's content. Every email sent from Creditsafe will include appropriate unsubscribe instructions. To opt-out of all email marketing messages from Creditsafe, you must send an email from the email address you wish to unsubscribe. Please clearly state in your email, "Unsubscribe me from all Creditsafe email marketing." This is the only way to assure that you no longer receive email advertising messages from Creditsafe as the marketer.

Creditsafe’s Permission-Based Email Database:

Creditsafe maintains a database of permission-based email addresses that are used by Creditsafe and other marketers to send you offers of interest via email. To opt-out of this database, send an email to from the email address you wish to unsubscribe. Please clearly state in your email, "Unsubscribe me from Creditsafe’s email database." Your request will be processed in a timely manner. Once your request has been processed, your email address will no longer be used by Creditsafe or be shared with third parties. If you opt-out of Creditsafe’s email database, you may continue to receive email messages from other marketers with which you have opted in. Additionally, opting out with a partner of Creditsafe does not opt you out of Creditsafe’s email database. If you have received an email from a client of Creditsafe, please contact that client directly to be removed from their database.

Opting out of Direct Mail: 

As a responsible company, we respect your choice to not receive direct mail advertising from us. Creditsafe subscribes to and suppresses any name and address on the MPS mail preference service file from its direct mail marketing lists.

Contacting Creditsafe to Opt-Out:
you also may contact Creditsafe directly to be suppressed from Creditsafe’s marketing lists. Opting-out of direct mail marketing from Creditsafe will only stop mailings that use Creditsafe’ s marketing data. You may continue to receive direct mail as advertisers often work with multiple data providers.

You can contact Creditsafe by sending your complete name (including any name variations), mailing address, complete telephone number (including area code), and email address to or to the below postal address.

Bryn House

Caerphilly Business Park


CF83 3GR

Please specify if you wish to be removed from mailing lists, telemarketing lists, or email marketing lists. If you move or change your name, you will need to opt-out again with your new address or name. When you opt-out with Creditsafe, your information is not deleted from the Creditsafe marketing database. Creditsafe will mark your record as “Do Not Mail” for a period of 5 years. If Creditsafe removed your information completely, we would have no way to know your mail preference.

Opting out of Telemarketing:

Responsible marketing companies respect your choice to not receive telemarketing calls. DMA members, as a condition of membership, are required to suppress the phone numbers of companies who have registered on the corporate telephone preference service (CTPS). As a DMA member, Creditsafe subscribes to and suppresses any phone number on the corporate telephone preference service (CTPS) file from its telemarketing lists.

Corporate Telephone Preference Service (CTPS):
If you are a UK business you can register your opt-out preference online at

Contacting Creditsafe to opt-out:
You may also contact Creditsafe directly to be suppressed from Creditsafe’s telemarketing lists. Opting-out of telemarketing from Creditsafe will only stop telemarketing that uses Creditsafe’s marketing data. You may continue to receive telemarketing calls as advertisers often work with multiple data providers. You can contact Creditsafe by sending your complete name (including any name variations), mailing address, complete telephone number (including area code), and email address to or to the below postal address.

Bryn House

Caerphilly Business Park


CF83 3QW

Please specify if you wish to be removed from mailing lists, telemarketing lists or our email marketing database. If you move or change your name, you will need to opt-out again with your new address or name. When you opt-out with Creditsafe, your information is not deleted from the Creditsafe marketing database. Creditsafe will mark your record as “Do Not Mail” for a period of 5 years. If Creditsafe removed your information completely, we would have no way to know your telemarketing preference.

Right to Transparency of processing:

You have the right to request information on how your data is used and the basis of use. This information can be found within the privacy policy which is available on all Creditsafe websites.